Welcome to the Caledonia-Mumford's Curriculum and Instruction Webpage
Curriculum & Instruction Coordinator
In the words of A.J. Juliani, author of the bestselling education books, Empower and Launch and many others...
“Our job is not to prepare students for something. Our job is to help students prepare themselves for anything.”
The New York State Education Department is responsible for setting student learning expectations (standards) for what all students should know and be able to do as a result of skilled instruction. Each local school district develops curricula based on these established standards. (NYSED.GOV)
Curriculum is a standards-based sequence of planned experiences where students practice and achieve proficiency in content and applied learning skills.
The Caledonia-Mumford Central School district’s curriculum is outlined in our course guides, course syllabi and our curriculum snapshots, which are linked HERE for you to view.