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2024-2025 School Budget Information

Caledonia-Mumford Central School District 2024-2025 Budget Information

Dear Caledonia-Mumford Parents and Residents:

The 2024-2025 budget process began on November 14, 2023, with the presentation and adoption of the 2024-2025 Budget Calendar which guides the budget process. The administration and Board of Education developed a budget that ensures the best possible programs and learning experiences to meet the needs of our students that are within the confines of the taxpaying community.

Budget Presentation/Hearing - On Tuesday, May 14, 2024, Superintendent of Schools Robert Molisani presented the proposed 2024-2025 school budget to the community at the annual budget hearing, starting at 7 p.m. in the Middle High School Chorus room. A copy of Mr. Molisani's budget presentation is available below.

Meet the Candidates - A Meet the Candidates forum followed the budget hearing where candidates will introduced themselves and answered questions from the high school Government class. 

Budget Voting - On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, district residents voted and approved the 2024-2025 school budget by a vote of 242 YES to 101 NO for a 70.55% passing rate. In addition, district residents voted and approved the 2024-2025 Bus Purchase by a vote of 258 YES to 85 NO for a 75.22% passing rate. Thank you to all residents who voted!

Please review the budget calendar, guidelines and newsletter below. 

The budget statement and required documents must be made available to the public (upon request) in the main office of each school building in the District, Business Office, Caledonia Public Library, Mumford Public Library, and on the school district's website, at least seven days before the Budget Hearing date and not less than 14 days before the annual budget vote.